Fundamental research is most often conducted behind the walls of the university. In a closed society, willing to share a minimum of information about their hypothesis, methods and findings with outsiders. But what if fundamental research found its way into the world and into the industry. What if fundamental research could solve some of the problems faced by the industry or maybe unknown research territories was the missing piece of the puzzle. What if fundamental research was done in an open collaboration between the industry and the university, a collaboration where inputs from everyone were welcome. This is exactly what the SPOMAN Open Science Community is about.
SPOMAN Open Science is sharing our findings, our thoughts, and our challenges. We base the projects on challenges found in the industry but solved as fundamental research projects. Both research groups from universities and industrial partners are invited to join, and together challenges, solutions, and science are discussed, defined, and solved. The research process is shared with both collaborators and the rest of the world all the way from idea over research to results. This approach allows us to learn from each other, to discover new industries of application and for the students to be able to identify how their education is not only valuable in academia but also has direct value in the industry.
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